==== Roadmap to Parole 0.7.1 ==== * [Bugfix] Selected text subtitle files are added to the Recent Items * [Bugfix] Fix building of plugin-docs * [Bugfix] Open location fails with m3u and xspf playlists * [Bugfix] Audio track seems to be reversed for some files (Japanese is English, English is Japanese) * [Bugfix] Cannot seek in some OGM files * [Bugfix] Menu keyboard shortcuts fail when menu is hidden * We should figure out a way to sync keyboard shortcuts to the content area. With this, shortcuts will work when the menubar is hidden, and it would also handle editable accelerators. * [Feature] Rethink the gstreamer-plugins-installer (packagekit) * [Feature] Add hidden option to "Always hide menubar" * If that option is ticked, we could show an open-file entry in the right-click menu * [Feature] API Updates * Extend API to give plugins easy access to Tools menu * Extend API to make it easier for plugins to save xfconf settings in parole/plugins/plugin-name * [Feature] Plugins Manager * Consider moving the plugins to a tab in the Preferences dialog * [Feature] Subtitles * Speed up loading by seeking forward/backward after subtitle selection changed * [Feature] Make the amount of buffering configurable * [Feature] Improve network-performance (mplayer and vlc seem much more efficient via e.g. ssh) * General problem of gstreamer? * [Feature] New plugins * Subtitle-fetching plugin? * YouTube plugin? https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9971 * Include default theming for GtkOverlay in case themes don't support the osd class * doesn't seem possible, cause either the cssprovider overrides the theme or the theme overrides the fallback, because there doesn't seem to be a sane way to check whether the osd-class gets specially themed ==== Discussion ====