===== Midori 0.6 - Roadmap =====
This page is outdated - refer to [[https://github.com/midori-browser/core/milestones|GitHub Milestones]] for roadmap items.
**This document is licensed under the LGPL 2.1.**
This is an overview of planned features. Plans can change depending on available contributors.
===== Planned =====
* Rewrite existing C code in Vala
* ✅ browser (requires: View)
* ⚙️ bookmarks toolbar [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/clippyBookmarks/+merge/334283|MR]] //kalikiana//
* ⚙️ bookmarks editor [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/clippyEditor/+merge/334320|MR]] //kalikiana//
* ✅ update history functions
* ✅ app (requires: Browser)
* ✅ panel //kalikiana// (requires: Browser.get_for_widget)
* ⭕ history
* ✅ view (requires: SearchAction, Browser.get_for_widget)
* //more to be added...//
* extensions
* ⚙️ colorful tabs //jamesaxl//
* ⭕ shortcuts
* ⭕ toolbar editor
* ⭕ tab panel
* ⭕ statusbar features
* //more to be added...//
* Revamp extensions system
* ⚙️ based on libpeas [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/peas|branch]] [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/moreBeans/+merge/262521|MR]] [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/hstsWebExtension/+merge/261897|MR]]
* ✅ plugins in Python and/ or JS
* ⭕ easy install of third party plugins
* ⚙️ Build with WebKit2 and GTK+3 only [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/webKit2Gtk3only/+merge/333294|MR]] [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/webKitTwoOnly/+merge/285295|MR]] [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/gtk3WebKit2only/+merge/242128|MR]] //kalikiana//
* ✅ Investigate moving to GitHub
* ✅ Ship a snap package in the store [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/snapcraft/+merge/330129|MR]] //kalikiana//
* ⭕ Build snap with [[https://launchpad.net/~vala-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa|Vala 0.36]]
* ✅ symbolic icons in the toolbar (test with Adwaita)
* ✅ correct icon for CompactMenu [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/openMenuSymbolic/+merge/269580|MR]]
* ✅ popover in CompactMenu with Gtk.MenuButton
* ✅ ^L show (overlay?) headerbar w/o buttons in fullscreen
* ✅ fix styling of headerbar buttons
* ✅ ensure overlay statusbar styling across websites
* ✅ allow ^W to close the browser
* ⭕ re-implement menus in Gtk.Application
* ⭕ move trash to notebook
* ⚙️ turn statusbar into an extension-only feature [[https://code.launchpad.net/~midori/midori/statusbar-for-extensions-only|branch]] //kalikiana//
* ✅ side panel with Gtk.StackSwitcher and Headerbar
* ✅ rewrite autocompletion
* FirefoxSync support
* ⭕ session
* ⭕ bookmarks
* ⭕ extensions
* ⭕ settings
* proxy exception list: hosts and networks bypassing the proxy [[https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkit2gtk/stable/WebKitWebContext.html#webkit-web-context-set-network-proxy-settings|WebKit API]]
* language selection dialog
* gpsd as a source for the javascript geolocation api
* ✅ tabs on top (requires: using Gtk.Switcher for tabs)