Xfce 14.4 scheduled for fall 2019

Simon Steinbeiß, the release manager for 4.14, has announced the release schedule for the release on the Xfce developer mailing list.

The final release is scheduled to be released on either July 28th or August 11th.

The release is going to be preceded by either three or two pre-releases, which will help the community to test the forthcomring release and developers iron out any bugs found during the pre-release testing. The first pre-release is scheduled for May 19th. If you want to help with the testing effort, please subscribe to the Xfce developer mailing list where calls for testing will be sent.

What to expect from Xfce 4.14

The 4.14 release was mainly focused on migrating from Gtk2 to Gtk3 and – correspondingly – from D-Bus GLib to GDBus. Along the way we ended up polishing our user experience, introducing some new features and updating some components to take advantage of newly available technologies.

Apart from the toolkit update, some of the main highlights for the release are: