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Midori - Tutorial

This document is licensed under the LGPL 2.1.

Writing a new extension

Check out the sources

bzr branch lp:midori

To develop and build extensions you need a source tree, typically it is a good idea to use the latest trunk to benefit from the latest and greatest features or bug fixes. So if your extension uncovers a bug you can easily report it and get it fixed. For more details see contribute which also covers how to make a branch and codying style in detail.

Add a new extension

The minimum starting point is a new .vala file in ./extensions/ in the Midori source folder. Let's call it “sandcat.vala” for the course of the tutorial.

The code to start with is this:

namespace Sandcat {
    private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
        internal Manager () {
            GLib.Object (name: _("Furry example extension"),
                         description: _("Take care of petting cats"),
                         version: "0.1" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
                         authors: "Jane Doe <email@domain.tld>");
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {                                                                                                                    
    return new Sandcat.Manager ();

Now let's proceed to run our rather empty extension.

The first instrruction

user@host:~/midori$ mkdir build ; cd build
user@host:~/midori/build$ cmake ..
user@host:~/midori/build$ make
user@host:~/midori/build$ ./midori/midori -g -c ~/midoridevel

After any modifiction in “sandcat.vala” you just run:

user@host:~/midori/build$ make 

If you add a new extentioon you run :

user@host:~/midori/build$ make clean
user@host:~/midori/build$ cd .. ; rm -rf build

and after you use the The first instrruction.

Inside Midori, open the Preferences, go to Extensions, and look for your new extension in the list. Activate and be proud of completing the first part of the tutorial!

Activating the extension

A basic principle is that each extension is loaded at first to describe what it does and to be shown in the preferences. At that point it doesn't do anything yet. Let's add basic callbacks to trigger after activation.

namespace Sandcat {
    private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
        internal Manager () {
            GLib.Object (name: _("Furry example extension"),
                         description: _("Take care of petting cats"),
                         version: "0.1" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
                         authors: "Jane Doe <email@domain.tld>");
            activate.connect (this.activated); //it will run the method activated
            deactivate.connect (this.deactivated); //it will run the method deactivated
        void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
            stdout.printf ("a new browser was added, yay\n");
        void activated (Midori.App app) {
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
            browser_added (browser);
            app.add_browser.connect (browser_added);
        void deactivated () {
            var app = get_app ();
            app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added);
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
    return new Sandcat.Manager ();

You'll see how when activated the extension gets an “app” which is a running Midori instance. It has among other things knowledge of browser windows. It's good practise to not make any assumptions on how many windows are open.

Working with (web) views

namespace Sandcat {
    private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
        internal Manager () {
            GLib.Object (name: _("Furry example extension"),
                         description: _("Take care of petting cats"),
                         version: "0.1" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
                         authors: "Jane Doe <email@domain.tld>");
            activate.connect (this.activated);
            deactivate.connect (this.deactivated);
        void tab_added (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.Tab tab) {
            stdout.printf ("New tab added\n");
        void tab_switched (Midori.View? old_view, Midori.View? new_view) {
            var title = new_view.get_display_title();
            var uri = new_view.get_display_uri();
            stdout.printf ("title: %s and  url: %s\n", title, uri);
        void tab_removed () {
            stdout.printf ("tab removed\n");
        void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
             foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ())
                tab_added (browser, tab);
             browser.add_tab.connect (tab_added);
             browser.switch_tab.connect (tab_switched);
             browser.remove_tab.connect (tab_removed);
        void activated (Midori.App app) {
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
                browser_added (browser);
            app.add_browser.connect (browser_added);
        void browser_removed (Midori.Browser browser) {
            foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ()) {
                browser.add_tab.disconnect (tab_added);
                browser.switch_tab.disconnect (tab_switched);
                browser.remove_tab.disconnect (tab_removed);
        void deactivated () {
            var app = get_app ();
            app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added);
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
                browser_removed (browser);
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
    return new Sandcat.Manager ();

When you open a new tab you will see in a message “New tab added”, if you switch between tabs you will get their title and url, and the last one is, close a tab, you will see a message “tab removed”

Add a context menu item

namespace Sandcat {
    private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
        internal Manager () {
            GLib.Object (name: _("Furry example extension"),
                         description: _("Take care of petting cats"),
                         version: "0.1" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
                         authors: "Jane Doe <email@domain.tld>");
            activate.connect (this.activated);
            deactivate.connect (this.deactivated);
        void tab_added (Midori.Browser browser, Midori.Tab tab) {
            tab.context_menu.connect (add_menu_items);
        void add_menu_items (WebKit.HitTestResult hit_test_result, Midori.ContextAction menu) {
            if ((hit_test_result.context & WebKit.HitTestResultContext.SELECTION) == 0)
            var action1 = new Gtk.Action ("NotesCopySnippet", "Copy _snippet to notes", null, null);
            var action2 = new Gtk.Action ("NotesPaste", "Paste N_otes", null, null);
            action1.activate.connect (() => {
                stdout.printf ("my menu item1 rocks\n");
            action2.activate.connect (() => {
                stdout.printf ("my menu item2 rocks\n");
            menu.add (action1);
            menu.add (action2);
            //Add group of submenu
            var submenu = new Midori.ContextAction("HaveSubmenu", "Have S_ubmenu", null, null);
            var listsubmenu = new List<Gtk.Action>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                listsubmenu.append(new Gtk.Action("Submenu%d".printf (i), "Submenu #%i".printf (i), null, null));
            listsubmenu.foreach ((entry) => {
                entry.activate.connect(() => {
                    stdout.printf ("I am a submenu\n");
            menu.add (submenu);
        void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
             foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ())
                tab_added (browser, tab);
             browser.add_tab.connect (tab_added);
        void activated (Midori.App app) {
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
                browser_added (browser);
            app.add_browser.connect (browser_added);
        void browser_removed (Midori.Browser browser) {
            foreach (var tab in browser.get_tabs ()) {
                browser.add_tab.disconnect (tab_added);
        void deactivated () {
            var app = get_app ();
            app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added);
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
                browser_removed (browser);
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
    return new Sandcat.Manager ();

In the Web page try to select a word or a sentence right click and you are going to see three menu item which were added, click on one of them and you will see the magic in the terminal :) .

Add an app menu item


Modify resources or webpages loaded


Add a statusbar item

namespace Sandcat {
    private class Manager : Midori.Extension {
        internal Manager () {
            GLib.Object (name: _("Furry example extension"),
                         description: _("Take care of petting cats"),
                         version: "0.1" + Midori.VERSION_SUFFIX,
                         authors: "Jane Doe <email@domain.tld>");
            activate.connect (this.activated);
            deactivate.connect (this.deactivated);
        void browser_added (Midori.Browser browser) {
            var button = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Click Here!");
            var click_counter = 0;
            browser.statusbar.pack_start (button, false, false, 3);
            button.clicked.connect (() => {
                button.label = "You Clicked me (%d) time(s)".printf (++click_counter);
            button.show ();
        void activated (Midori.App app) {
            foreach (var browser in app.get_browsers ())
                browser_added (browser);
            app.add_browser.connect (browser_added);
        void deactivated () {
            var app = get_app ();
            app.add_browser.disconnect (browser_added);
public Midori.Extension extension_init () {
    return new Sandcat.Manager ();

Enjoy How much time you click :-), you can add any Gtk widget in this button.

Add a panel

// in private class Manager : Midori.Extension
GLib.List<Gtk.Widget> widgets; 
// in deactivated
    foreach (var widget in widgets)
        widget.destroy ();
// in activated
    widgets = new GLib.List<Gtk.Widget> ();
// in browser_added
    var viewable = new Sidebar ();
    viewable.show ();
    browser.panel.append_page (viewable);
    widgets.append (viewable);

Now on to adding a class implementing that panel.

private class Sidebar : Gtk.VBox, Midori.Viewable {
    public unowned string get_stock_id () {
        return "a-stock-id";
    public unowned string get_label () {
        return _("Purrfect");
    public Gtk.Widget get_toolbar () {
        return null;
    public Sidebar () {

Add a dialog


Add a URL completion


Unit testing

A basic means of quality control, as humans simply don't write flawless code, is to add some automatable tests that can be run repeatedly to verify the code does what it's expected to.

void test_furry_purr () {
    assert (1 == 1);
public void extension_test () {
     Test.add_func ("/extensions/furry/purr", test_furry_purr);

With a simple example it will be like that:

void test_furry_purr () {
    assert (1 == 1);
public void extension_test () {
     Test.add_func ("/extensions/furry/purr", test_furry_purr);
void main (string[] args) {
    Test.init (ref args);
    Test.run ();

the result of thi code is “/extensions/furry/purr: OK”.