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Webmedia now-playing - Tutorial

This document is licensed under the LGPL 2.1.

What is Webmedia now-playing

Webmedia now-playing is a midori extension developed for using Dbus, this extension allow users to get the video title that midori play in youtube/ Vimeo/ Dailymention/Coup.\\And in this Tuto We are going to show you how to use it :-).

Using Shell script

eval $(dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.midori.mediaHerald /org/midori/mediaHerald org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:"org.midori.mediaHerald" | awk '
    /string  *"VideoTitle/{
        while (1) {
            getline line
            if (line ~ /string "/)
                sub(/.*string /, "TITLE=", line)
                print line
        /string  *"VideoUri/{
        while (1) {
            getline line
            if (line ~ /string "/)
                sub(/.*string /, "URI=", line)
                print line

As you see mediaHerald is a Dbus service that extension cretae to store video title and uri. Open a midori tab enter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2cebaY5Wlc and run our script shell, the result is:

You are now is now playing:  - ‪Midori 0.5.8 : A Fast and Lightweight Web Browser For Linux Mint - YouTube