Xfce Wiki

Sub domains

This is an old revision of the document!

Open questions / TODO for Xfce 4.8

  • exo
  • garcon
    • monitoring needs to be finished (Jannis has some local code but isn't finished yet)
  • libxfce4ui
  • libxfce4util
  • thunar
  • thunar-volman
  • xfce4-appfinder
    • need to wait for garcon monitoring to be implemented, then we have to react to changes
  • xfce4-panel
    • need to wait for garcon monitoring to be implemented, then we have to react to changes
  • xfce4-session
  • xfce4-settings
  • xfconf
  • xfdesktop
    • need to wait for garcon monitoring to be implemented, then we have to react to changes
  • xfwm4