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Xfce-Test Docker Container Quick Start Guide

If you want to test the current state of Xfce 4.16, you can look at xfce-test, a Docker image by Florian Schueller which allow you to test git master and to run Behave (behaviour-driven development).

Xfce Test is a Docker/Xephyr environment for testing the latest builds of Xfce.


  • Clone the xfce-test repository git clone https://github.com/schuellerf/xfce-test
  • Change to the repository directory and install the necessary components ( ./xfce-test install )
    • On Xubuntu 20.04, this will install the following packages and their dependencies, if they aren’t already present - xserver-xephyr, docker.io, xvfb, jq, and curl - which will download ~71Mb and require 351Mb of space
  • Download the docker container ( sudo ./xfce-test pull )
    • This will download the Docker container part of schuellerf/xfce-test which is ~1.6Gb and require ~4.4Gb of space (as of May 2020).

Running xfce-test

If xfce-test is run without any options, the xfce-test script will present output that consists of two parts. First, the various option flags that can be used to modify the starting of the script. And, secondly, a numbered menu that appears, as follows:

1) install 7) list_local 13) tag
2) call 8) screenshots 14) XFSM_VERBOSE
3) pull 9) behave 15) LANG
4) start 10) behavevideo 16) LOG
5) no-session 11) fulltestvideo 17) PARALLEL_BUILDS
6) list 12) build 18) KEEP

At this point the user will be prompted for an option to select.

To simply run the container from the command line, use the command: ( ./xfce-test start )


  • Remove the docker container
    • Find the schuellerf/xfce-test container’s image ID ( docker images -a )
    • Remove the container ( docker rmi [image’s ID] )
  • Remove the installed packages
    • Remove main packages ( sudo apt remove xserver-xephyr docker.io xvfb jq curl )
      • Note: you may not want to remove some of these packages if they weren't installed during the xfce-test installation
    • Remove dependencies ( sudo apt autoremove )