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Vala Bindings


First milestone 0.1. Includes bindings for libxfce4util, libxfce4menu, libxfconf, libxfcegui4, libexo, and libxfce4panel.


Here are some remarks about the changes between the original APIs and the resulting VAPIs.



  • XfceRc
    • use the function simple_open as the new function
    • use the function config_open as new_from_resource
    • use the function close as the free function
  • XfceKiosk


  • Resource Lookup
    • rename xfce_resource_* inside the class Xfce.Resource
    • deprecate XfceMatchFunc, match_custom
    • deprecate pop_path, push_path
  • POSIX Signal Handling
    • rename xfce_posix_signal_handler_* inside the class Xfce.PosixSignalHandler
    • rename XfcePosixSignalHandler to Xfce.PosixSignalHandler.Callback
  • Internationalization
    • keep only xfce_textdomain which is a convenience function on top of the bindtextdomain and textdomain functions


  • XfceDesktopEntry
  • Unicode Manipulation
  • File Utilities
  • Miscellaneous Utilities
  • Generics


  • rename xfce_menu_monitor_* inside the class Xfce.MenuMonitor
  • drop properties (they are all redundant with get/set functions and some of them are not implemented for instance in XfceMenuItem)


  • rename xfconf_g_property_* inside the class Xfconf.Property
  • drop the functions that take a va_list in argument
  • drop the functions that take or return a GPtrArray
  • drop xfconf_free_array
  • int16 GType is yet to be implemented


  • XfceAppMenuItem
    • deprecate new_from_desktop_entry
  • XfceTitledDialog
    • drop redundant get/set methods
  • move functions from Fundamentals and Core inside respective classes
  • new class WidgetHelpers with two functions create_framebox and create_framebox_with_content
  • deprecate everything else


  • move extension functions to the class Exo.Extensions
  • move md5 digest functions that don't start with exo_md5_digest_* to the class Exo.Md5Digest
  • move exo_str_get_md5_str function into the class Exo.Md5
  • move exo_url_* functions to the class Exo.Url
  • move functions from execute.h to the class Exo.Execute
  • rename signal names duplicated with method names:
    • exo_icon_view_item_activated() ⇒ exo_icon_view_activate_item()
    • ExoIconView::select_all ⇒ all_selected
    • ExoIconView::unselect_all ⇒ all_unselected
    • ExoToolbarsModel::get_item_data ⇒ item_data
    • ExoToolbarsModel::get_item_id ⇒ item_id
    • ExoToolbarsModel::get_item_type ⇒ item_type