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Xfce Release How To

This how to is under development but it might help. Feel free to contribute.

Files to edit before release

  1. Release information: ChangeLog, NEWS
  2. Common information: README, AUTHORS, THANKS, TODO (when present)

Configure file autoconf

  1. Edit autoconf file configure.in.in or configure.ac.in which name you've chosen.
  2. Remove svn from package_version_tag.
  3. Check the build dependencies.

Check release package

  1. Commit all changes, for release, to trunk.
  2. Do a new checkout from trunk, or rather an export.
  3. Run ./autogen.sh in the clean checkout.
  4. Run make distcheck
  5. Check auto generated files: INSTALL, COPYING
  6. If this works you're ready to tag the current trunk:
    svn copy https://svn.xfce.org/url/to/package/trunk https://svn.xfce.org/url/to/package/tags/package-version


  1. Edit configure.in.in or configure.ac.in.
  2. Change package_version_major, package_version_minor and package_version_micro version to the new release.
  3. Re-add svn to package_version_tag.