Xfce Wiki

Sub domains

This is an old revision of the document!


Migrate documentation

To migrate existing documentation from your project you will need to create a branch inside the xfce4-docs repository. After that you need to remove it from your project and add a git submodule instead.

Xfce4-docs branch

  1. Clone the repository with write access.
    • git clone ssh://<USERNAME>@git.xfce.org/git/xfce/xfce4-docs
    • cd xfce4-docs
  2. Create a branch for your project.
    • git checkout --orphan <PROJECT>-master
  3. Copy your documentation inside this new branch.
    • cp -r /path/your/project/doc/* ./
  4. Push the new branch.
    • git add *
    • git commit -m"Initial <PROJECT> documentation"
    • git push --all

Update your project

  1. Remove entirely the documentation from your project (e.g. rm -rf doc).
  2. Add a submodule from the xfce4-docs read-only repository.
    • git submodule add -b <PROJECT>-master git://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-docs doc
  3. Update the autogen.sh script to use a recent version of xdt-autogen.
    • Snippet:
      exec xdt-autogen $@
  4. Push the changes.
    • git add autogen.sh
    • git commit -m"Include documentation from xfce4-docs"
    • git push

By now when a user clones the repository, the content of the submodule will automatically be initialized by running the autogen.sh script. A check within xdt-autogen will make sure to run the command git submodule update --init doc.

  • FIXME How to keep documentation in sync e.g. the submodule points to a particular reference, when the doc gets updated new references are created and the project should point to the new reference.

More information about git submodule can be found in the Git Book.