Midori - Foire aux questions
Ce document est sous licence LGPL 2.1.
Ceci est la liste des questions les plus fréquemment posées à propos du Navigateur Web Midori. Sentez-vous libre d'améliorer ou développer cette page, mais garder la clair et facile à lire pour les autres utilisateurs.
À propos de Midori
Qu'est-ce que "Midori" et pourquoi devrais-je l'utiliser ?
Midori est un Navigateur Web, son but est d'être léger et rapide. Il s'allie parfaitement avec la philosophie de Xfce c'est à dire de tirer le meilleur partie des ressources disponibles. Il a une interface personnalisable utilisant la boîte à outils GTK+.
Comment prononce-t-on Midori et que signifie son nom ?
On le prononce “midoɺi”, avec un “r” roulé comme en espagnole / italien / japonais ou bien “Mee-Doh-Ree” en anglais. Le nom vient du mot japonais 緑 (みどり) qui est la couleur “verte”.
Que signifie le logo ?
La patte verte d'un chat. Évidemment. Il ressemble aussi à la lettre “M” de “Midori”. La courbe est censé souligner sa vitesse.
Sur quelles plateformes Midori fonctionne-t-il actuellement ?
Midori peut être porté et fonctionner sur toutes les plateformes qui supportent ses dépendances. Il existe des versions pour plusieurs distributions Linux, et pour Windows excepté 8.1 (pour le moment), ainsi que BSD.
Sous quelle licence Midori est-il distribué ?
Midori et tous ses composants sont sous licence LGPL2.
Problèmes connus
Pourquoi Google Mail / Google Calendrier / Google Maps, Facebook ne fonctionnent pas ou montre leurs versions mobiles ?
Certains sites web ne fonctionnent pas s'ils ne reconnaissent pas votre navigateur en tant que Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.
Vous pouvez changer le nom du navigateur envoyé aux sites dans Préférences > Réseau > S'identifier comme
Vous pouvez soit choisir un user-agent prédéfinie ou choisir Personnalisé et trouvez celui qui vous convient dans cette liste.
De nombreux autres sites web utilisent la détection du navigateur.
Google recommandait avant cette importante pratique aux créateurs de site web pour vérifier quelles fonctionnalités étaient présentes ainsi que le nom/la version du navigateur, ils ont ensuite nuancé depuis que leur navigateur a grandi sur le marché des navigateurs.
Il y a des icônes manquantes / des messages d'erreurs
Midori utilise une variété d'icônes qui peuvent ne pas être présent dans tous les thèmes. Pour les icônes d'instance pour un nouvel onglet, pour représenter les scripts, ou le throbber peut ne pas être disponible. Pour régler cela, installez thème d'icône Freedesktop.org complémentaire, tel que Elementary, Faenza, Buuf ou GNOME.
si vous avez besoin de définir un chemin d'accès personnalisé pour “chercher dans” (Kiosques et version portable par exemple):
cela ajoutera un chemin en plus pour les icônes/… dossier
En plus, GTK3 peut enlever des icônes des menus. Cela peut être changé en modifiant
dans le fichier ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
Personnaliser Midori au niveau de Gtk
If you don't have a desktop application that takes care of Gtk settings or if your interface doesn't support a particular feature, you can modify any settings easily manually by specifying them in a text file called ~/.gtkrc-2.0 or /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:
Utiliser Tango comme thème d'icône de secours :
gtk-icon-theme-name = "MySuperFancyTheme" gtk-fallback-icon-theme = "Tango"
Utiliser une barre outils plus petite :
gtk-toolbar-icon-size = GTK_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR
Only for those not running a complete DE like Xfce, Elementary, etc…
There is a preference: Preferences → Browsing → Toolbar Style: Small icons
Enable changing hotkeys while hovering menu items:
gtk-can-change-accels = 1
Désactiver le clic milieu pour copier
Comme pour GTK+ >= 3.4 on peut le désactiver globalement dans ~/.gtkrc-2.0
gtk-enable-primary-paste = 0
Ou bien en ajoutant un ligne dans ~/.config/midori/config
Midori crashes tout de suite avant de charger les pages
Il semble que ce soit un problème de Glib 2.16. La solution recommandée est de mettre à niveau votre paquet Glib vers la version 2.18.
Comment puis-je changer le dossier de cache (vers tmpfs)?
Sous Linux et BSD, vous pouvez mettre XDG_CACHE_HOME pour toutes les applications, ou seulement pour Midori. Midori enregistre les icônes et les fichiers de cache à cet endroit. Par défaut dans ~/.cache.
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/dev/shm
Fonctionnalités de Sécurité
HSTS/ HTTP Strict Transport Security
Midori >= 0.4.7 automatically picks up the Strict-Transport-Security header and caches sites locally. By design, there's no UI. System administrators can however place a pre-loaded cache at /etc/xdg/midori/hsts.
Manipulation des Certificats
Midori uses the system's ca-certificates, the exact locations depend on the distribution.
Midori >= 0.4.7 supports gcr for certificate display and management, you can click the lock in the urlbar to see detailed information. Earlier versions, or one without gcr will not handle certificates beyond the lock icon in the urlbar.
Error granting trust: Couldn't find a place to store the imported certificate
No key store is available or it's incorrectly setup. By default GNOME keyring can do this. Under Xfce it is recommended to enable “GNOME services” under “Session and Startup settings”. To make sure, that the output of “gnome-keyring –startup” is correctly sent to the environment, you can add “export `gnome-keyring-daemon –start`” to .xinitrc.
A testcase for self-signed certificates
Flash ne fonctionne pas
Support pour Windows
Depuis le WebkitGTK+ 1.8.2 (Midori 0.4.7) les plugins Netscape sont maintenant supporté s'ils sont installés dans Application Data\Mozilla\plugins ou bin\Plugins dans le dossier de Midori (ie. NPSWF32.dll pour le Flash).
Les plugins Netscape pour Linux, BSD et OS X
Vous devez initialiser MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH, par exemple comme ceci :
export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins"
Le plugin Flash officiel est appelé libflashplayer.so .
You can either run that above line and run Midori in the same terminal afterwards or, for the long term, put it in ~/.bash_profile or /etc/profile.d or your respective distribution's place for this.
Flash crashe / Pas de Flash avec GTK+3
nspluginwrapper is a program that runs Flash and other Netscape plugins in a separate process. So a crash can't crash the whole browser and Flash, which is GTK+2 can run in GTK+3.
sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper # On Debian/ Ubuntu - on other systems http://get.adobe.com/de/flashplayer/ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer # cd into the folder where the plugin was installed nspluginwrapper -v -a -n -i libflashplayer.so
~/.mozilla can also be used with Adobe's tarball if system-wide install is not an option. The approach is confirmed to work with x86-64 as well.
Another remedy is using WebKit2 - starting with Midori 0.4.9 experimental support is available, progress on WebKit2GTK+ can be seen in the WebKit wiki.
HTTPS URLS won't load
That's a problem with WebKit. You can work around it to some extent if you start Midori like so:
export WEBKIT_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS="1" midori
256-bit encryption isn't supported?
There's no official support right now. It's possible to patch glib-networking to enable 256-bit SSL.
Scroll with middle mouse button/ pan-scrolling
Windows-style middle-click behavior is
Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webkit/+bug/871425
Upstream Bug: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50561
HTML5 Video/ Audio doesn't play
Midori uses GStreamer for HTML5 audio and video support. Codecs, which handle particular formats of audio or video, are provided by GStreamer plugins which may need to be installed separately. Midori may be built with GTK+2 or GTK+3 (visit about:version to check), which correspond to GStreamer versions of 0.10 or 1.0 respectively.
- You need gstreamer(0.10/1.0)-pulse if you're using PulseAudio.
- You may need gstreamer(0.10/1.0)-alsa for ALSA, depending on your distribution.
- You need plugins for Theora, gstreamer(0.10/1.0)-base and MPEG-4 incluing aac (e.g. gst-plugins-faad), gstreamer(0.10/1.0)-bad. For WebM, you'll need plugins for vorbis (-base), matroska (-good), and vp8 (-bad). Have a look at http://www.gstreamer.net/documentation/plugins.html for details.
- For Youtube or Vimeo, you need WebKitGTK+ 1.1.20 or newer.
- You can test your installed codecs here..
- You can look at about:version to see which video codecs you have installed.
Java doesn't work, applets don't show up
Java is supported in WebKitGTK+ since 1.1.22. If you need Java, you need to upgrade to at least that version. Sun/ Oracle Java as well as IcedTea are known to work. Distribution specific setup might be required, such as setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the location of libxul.so and making a symbolic link for libnpjp2.so to /usr/lib/mozilla.
icedtea6 version 1.8 and above has been known to crash midori. If this is the case for you, try sun-jre.
How do I get rid of the menubar?
In the menubar, go to View → Toolbars → Menubar, voilà the menubar is gone and a new icon appears at the right end of the toolbar. Click the icon to access functionality that otherwise sits in the menubar. Midori 0.3.2 disables the menubar by default.
Why can't I use periods when searching from the location bar?
Midori tries to make a smart guess on whether you are searching for something or typing a valid address by hand. Yet there are ambiguous cases so it fails.
Try using 'g' in front of the search terms, like 'g Ms.Marple'. The 'g' is a token that tells the browser you want to use Google. See Tools > Manage Search Engines or right-click the location bar and select the menu item, to look at search engines and tokens.
How can I reload and bypass the cache?
Hold the Shift key while clicking Refresh in the toolbar (this works in Chromium, Mozilla, Opera and Safari, too). Since Midori 0.3.2 you can use Ctrl+Shift+R.
How do I make tabs pinned/ sticky/ minimized?
Right-click the tab label, and click 'Minimize' or 'Show Tab Icon Only' (Midori 0.3.5 or older).
Why doesn't Google "live search" work?
You need to set Preferences > Network > Identify As to Firefox.
Google Docs says "Clear your caches"
If you use the Adblock extension, EasyPrivacy may conflict with Google Docs. Disable the subscription if you use it. Otherwise try disabling Adblock entirely.
Opening html email with Mutt
Place the following in ~/.mutt/mailcap or ~/.mailcap:
text/html; midori -a '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; nametemplate=%s.html
Scrolling on website xyz is very slow
- Go to Tools > Extensions
- Enable 'User Addons' if it's not yet enabled
- Create a text file .local/share/midori/styles/scrollfix.user.css
- Put this into the file: * {-webkit-box-shadow: none !important;}
File opening doesn't work/ PDFs are opened with GIMP
Midori opens files with GIO, and falls back to xdg-open, exo-open or gnome-open if these are available. All of this relies on freedesktop.org MIME configuration. To tweak this there are multiple options:
- Use 'Open With' with a graphical file manager
- Edit ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list with a text editor
- Run something like ‘xdg-mime default evince.desktop application/pdf’
xdg-open knows how to handle GNOME, KDE and Xfce. LXDE is unfortunately not supported yet, see https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26058
Open magnet:, irc:, apt:, bitcoin: with an application
As of git 2011-03-05 02:40:00 UTC and Midori 0.3.3 you can
Add a line to ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list:
Or install an application which advertises the scheme like so:
Note that incomplete .desktop files will silently fail and it will look as if it doesn't exist.
Spell check
First enable spell checking: Edit→Preferences→Behavior and check “Enable Spell Checking”.
Now while typing any errors should get underlined in red. To get suggestions, highlight the word and right-click. You should see a list of suggestions at the top of the menu.
On Windows you need to download OpenOffice dictionaries, find the zipped file(s) for your locale(s) and unpack the contents into share/myspell/dicts/ in your Midori installation. The folder should contain *.aff and *.dic files
Is it possible to disable Same Origin Policy? What Webkit settings not in the preferences can I change?
You can change all values of WebKitWebSettings in the config file (~/.config/midori/config on unices, %APPDATA%\midori\config [please check :)] on Windows). For example, to disable Same Origin Policy for local files, add
to your config file.
How do I change the proxy server from the toolbar or statusbar?
- Activate the Statusbar Features plugin.
- Close Midori.
- Create a folder ~/.config/midori/extensions/libstatusbar-features.so/
- Create a text file “config”
- Type the following for the default setup:
[settings] items=auto-load-images;enable-scripts;enable-plugins;identify-as;zoom-level
Add button types separated by semicolon:
- proxy-type Proxy Server
- preferred-encoding Character Set/ Encoding
- enable-spell-checking Spell Check
- zoom-text-and-images Only zoom in text, or text and images
- first-party-cookies-only First party cookies only
- site-data-rules see Blacklisting cookies
Most settings listed at http://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkitgtk/stable/WebKitWebSettings.html will also work as button types.
Vie privée
Blacklist cookies
As of Midori 0.4.4 you can add a hidden option to ~/.config/midori/config like so:
- Values prefixed with “-” are always blocked
- Values prefixed with “+” are always accepted
- Values prefixed with “!” are not cleared in Clear Private Data
- No wildcards.
- LSO, local storage and application caches ignore all policies.
The feature is currently experimental and will change in future versions.
Le Bloqueur de Pubs peut être activé dans Extensions. Il utilise les même listes qu'Adblock Plus. Les URL sont bloquées complètements et jamais chargées. Des listes peuvent-être ajoutées via le bouton d'options sur le côté droit dans la liste des extensions.
Applications Web
There are two closely related features to open websites as dedicated windows of their own. You can do the following to use them:
- Right-click a hyperlink → Open as Web Application
- Add or Edit a bookmark → [x] Run as web application
- Type ‘midori -a http://foo.bar’ on a command line
You can also add options such as ‘-e Fullscreen’, ‘-e Navigationbar’ or ‘-e Statusbar’ (as of Midori 0.2.9 ‘midori –help-execute will list all available commands’)
Navigation Privé
Menu Fichier/ App Menu button → Navigation Privé
A private window is a separate process, so crashes don't affect the normal browser session. No sensitive data such as cookies, history or bookmarks are stored. No extensions are loaded. Panels are not available.
As of Midori 0.2.9 Private Browsing uses preferences, cookies, keyboard shortcuts and search engines from the normal session, but it won't save any changes. This behaviour can be emulated from the command line with “-a” and “-c”.
As of Midori 0.3.4 the –private command line switch opens a private browsing instance with normal preferences, cookies, shortcuts and search engines. But no changes will be saved. DNS prefetching is disabled in this mode, also referrers are stripped down to the hostname when navigating between different websites.
The same options available to -a/ –app can be used for private browsing mode.
Portable mode/ Win32
On Windows builds, -P/ –portable causes all data to be written to the “profile” folder in the Midori folder. Everything, including temporary files and cache, is stored in a sub-folder without touching the system. So Midori can be run eg. from a USB stick on different machines.
Mode Kiosque
There is no specific mode, instead you use several command line switches. A typical fullscreen setup with no toolbar that opens about:blank and resets the session after 2 minutes of inactivity for instance:
midori -i 120 -e Fullscreen -e Navigationbar -a about:blank
Available commands for -e can be listed with “midori –help-execute”.
If needed, a customized profile can be created with “midori -c /path/to/folder”. Using the shortcut editor extension, keyboard shortcuts can be removed as needed. Afterwards just append “-c /path/to/folder” to the kiosk mode command line.
To restrict pages that can be opened, you can use a regular expression. The expression is a blacklist. To block undesirable sites you can do something like:
-b 'youtube|youporn'
By negating the expression you can also whitelist pages.
-b '^(?!.*?(gmail|mail\.google|accounts\.google)).*'
Any links outside end up in an error page. All images and other files won't be loaded.
Toujours ouvrir Midori en Plein écran
Utiliser le gestionnaire de fenêtre pour avoir Midori en mode Plein écran, ou bien il suffit de lancer “midori -e Fullscreen” de cette manière. Au prochain démarrage Midori se souviendra de la taille et l'état de la fenêtre.
Si cela ne vous suffit pas, DevilsPie peut forcer Midori à garder l'état désiré :
(begin (if (and (is (application_name) "Midori") ) (begin (maximize) ) ) )
Overriding settings and loading extensions
As of Midori 0.5.0 the –execute command line switch got more powerful:
midori -e libcolorful-tabs.so=true
midori -e enable-javascript=false
Serveurs mandataires (Proxy)
En utilisant un proxy local vous pouvez modifier le contenu web avant même qu'il ait atteint Midori. That allows you to do things similar to what user scripts and user styles provide and even others that neither is suitable for.
Privoxy est un server proxy sans-cache avec la capacité de filtrer et bloquer les publicités avant même d'être chargées.
Mousehole est un proxy scriptable écrit en Ruby.
Polipo is a caching web proxy (a web cache) designed to be used by one person or a small group of people. It is similar in spirit to WWWOFFLE, but the implementation techniques are more like the ones used by Squid.
Les serveurs mandataires (proxy) SOCKS sont-ils supportés ?
As of Midori 0.5.0 and libSoup 2.40 SOCKS proxies can be used, the Preferences dialog lists detected types and accepts curl syntax.
libSoup < 2.40 only supports HTTP proxy servers directly. A way to use SOCKS on Unix is to use tsocks with SSH as follows:
- Installez 'tsocks'
- Ouvrez /etc/tsocks.conf dans un éditeur
- Type something like this, vous pouvez choisir le port librement :
server = server_type = 5 server_port = 5555
- Ouvrez un connexion SSH avec le même port:
ssh -D localhost:5555 myhost.com
- Démarrez Midori avec “tsocks” in front of it:
tsocks midori
- Now you can use for example http://www.whatsmyip.org/ to verify that you are using a SOCKS connection. The IP address should match the one of your SSH host. Remember to keep the SSH login running, and don't suspend it, otherwise it won't work.
- Si la connexion échoue pour une quelconque raison, vous devriez voir une erreur de connexion.
Raccourcis Clavier
You can use the Vim-like key bindings [hjkl] to navigate a page. h=gauche j=bas k=haut l=droite
Dans une image :
k h l j
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les flèches pour faire la même chose.
Following Links
To enable Hints in Midori, similar to vimperator in Firefox or xxxterm, press .
With hints enabled, type the link number, and press Enter to open the link in the current tab, or Ctrl-Enter to open the link in a new tab. To clear a typed link number before pressing Enter or Ctrl-Enter, use Escape.
Use Ctrl(+Shift)+Tab to switch between pages
Since Midori 0.3.5 Ctrl+Tab is supported by default.
In older versions you can enable the History List extension under Tools → Extensions.
Customizing keyboard shortcuts
Enable the Shortcuts extension Tools → Extensions. To edit a keybinding Tools → Customize Shortcuts…
Utilisation de l’outil de recherche
Les raccourcis par défaut pour la Recherche sont :
Rechercher : Ctrl+f “/” et “,”
Recherche suivante : Ctrl+g et Enter
Recherche précédente : Shift+Ctrl+g
Dismissing Find:
When using Ctrl+f to bring up Find, use Ctrl+f again or ESC. When using “/” or “,” to bring up Find, the previous works here as well and by simply moving focus away from the Find box. For example: a Tab or a mouse click anywhere[besides links of course].
Mouse Gestures
Par défaut le clic droit de la souris initie les gestures.
You can change the button (for example, to the middle mouse button) using a hidden option:
- Create a text file ~/.config/midori/extensions/libmouse-gestures.so/config .
- Type the following in there:
[settings] button=2
As of Midori 0.5.0 individual gestures can be configured freely in the file ~/.config/midori/extensions/libmouse-gestures.so/gestures . Consult “midori –help-execute” for a list of available actions, which are placed on the left of the equals sign. On the right goes a sequence of directions, (W)est, (E)east, (N)orth, (S)outh, (S)outh(W)est, etc., with a semicolon (;) after each, as shown below:
[gestures] Quit=W;E; TabPrevious=SW; TabNext=SE;
Additionally, there are programs allowing mouse gestures system-wide, for example EasyStroke.
Scripts et styles utilisateur
Les scripts utilisateur sont des scripts applicables sur certaines, ou toutes les pages web. Ils peuvent modifier les pages localement et transforment ou ajoutent certaines fonctionnalités. Cela peut inclure des corrections de bugs pour des pages web. User scripts est aussi disponible sur d'autres navigateurs, comme Greasemonkey pour Mozilla ou Opera's User JavaScript.
Comment installer un UserScript
Avant tout il faut activer l’extension “Extensions utilisateur”. It will show up as a “User Scripts” panel (and it also provides “User Styles”).
Now you need to find some scripts. You can find some at userscripts.org. Most scripts work fine, some may be written specifically for other browsers.
If you have Midori 0.3.0 or newer, you will be offered to install scripts as soon as you see them on the page.
To manually install a userscript, you have to download the script as a file, and put it in the folder ~/.local/share/midori/scripts. You need to create that folder if it doesn't exist yet. Midori will automatically see and use it, which you can also see in the user scripts panel.
If the script is only shown as source code on the page, you first have to create a new text file in a text editor, copy the source code into the new file, and save it as my-user-script.js where “.js” is the extension.
Compatibilité avec GreaseMonkey
As previously mentioned, Midori can use most scripts you will find. Midori supports Greasemonkey's @include and @exclude metadata so that scripts are only loaded on appropriate pages. Midori doesn't support advanced metadata, such as @require and @resource, so user scripts can't define dependencies on other scripts - most of the time this isn't a problem. Midori also does not support Greasemonkey API. Scripts must also be compatible with Webkit, since Midori is based on WebKit. A Greasemonkey script that makes use of functionality of Gecko/ Firefox will not work in Midori.
Flash blocking via a User script
You can use BlockFlash2 as a user script which replaces all Flash elements with a button that says “Play Flash”.
Flash blocking via a User style
You can also use FlashBlock WannaBe as a user script in order to replace Flash elements with placeholders and load them on click. The script is pretty advanced compared to most Flash blockers found on the web.
Styles utilisateur
User styles are CSS Cascading Style sheets that are loaded locally and applied on top of web pages, similar to User scripts, in order to add or alter functionality and also fix bugs.
How to install a user style
First, you need to find some styles (or write your own). You can find some at userstyles.org. Many styles may or may not work, depending on whether the author decided to use browser specific features.
To install a user style, you have to download the style as a file, and put it in the following directory ~/.local/share/midori/styles (you may need to create that directory if it does not exist). Midori will automatically see and use it, which you can also see in the user styles panel.
Note, if the style is only shown as source code on the page, you first have to create a new text file in a text editor, copy the source code into the new file, and save it as my-user-style.css where “.css” is the extension.
How to install a user style before Midori 0.0.20
Open up the Preferences and use the file chooser button beside User Stylesheet to choose a style sheet file. The style sheet will from now on be applied to all sites automatically.
Un CSS utilisateur pour afficher l'URL quand un lien est survolé
This user css is used to display the corresponding url when a link is hovered. This is similar to what chromium/chrome provides when hovering over a link, shown on the bottom left of the page. Add the following to ~/.local/share/midori/styles, then restart Midori and make sure that it is enabled Tools → Userstyles.
Customize as needed:
a[href]:hover { text-decoration: none !important; } a[href]:hover:after { content: attr(href); position: fixed; left: 4px; bottom: 4px; padding: 0 6px !important; max-width: 95%; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; font:10pt sans-serif !important; text-shadow: 0 0 12px white; background-color: ButtonFace !important; color: ButtonText !important; opacity: 0.8; outline: ButtonFace solid thick; z-index: 9999; }
Tweaking fonts via CSS
If changing system-wide font settings isn't bringing the desired results or rendering should be tweaked only for websites CSS can be an alternative. Add the following to ~/.local/share/midori/styles, then restart Midori and make sure that it is enabled Tools → Userstyles.
Customize as needed:
* { font-smooth:always; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; text-rendering: optimizeLegibility }
Architecture de Midori
Midori repose sur les épaules de trois géants en particulier : Les librairies de logiciels GTK+, WebKitGTK+, et libsoup. GTK+ génère les boutons, les fenêtres et les menus, WebKitGTK+ dessine et gère les pages web, et libsoup télécharge ses pages.
WebKitGTK+ lui-même utilise deux autres librairies importantes: JavaScriptCore, un projet de Kit Web qui lance les scripts des pages web; et GStreamer, qui joue les vidéos et l'audio HTML5.
WebKit Version Numbers
WebKit is the core of the Midori browser, and it determines how web pages are rendered. Because WebKit is a complex piece of software and compatible with various libraries, its version numbers and naming schemes can at times be confusing.
WebKit itself is a library which works in many environments, such as Windows, OS X, and various Linux DE. There are different “ports”, one of which corresponds to each of these environments, and each of which is slightly different in bugs and features at any given time. The WebKit port used by Midori (because Midori is built with GTK+) is WebKitGTK+.
WebKitGTK+ can be compiled against either GTK+2 or GTK+3. This will result in library filenames like libwebkitgtk-1.0.so or libwebkitgtk-3.0.so, respectively. This has nothing to do with the version of WebKit itself.
WebKit has a “new API layer … designed from the ground up to support a split process model”–so pages can crash without the entire browser crashing. This layer is called WebKit2, and for WebKitGTK+ it requires building against GTK+3, producing a library file called libwebkit2gtk-3.0.so.
To find out the version of WebKitGTK+ your build of Midori is using, visit about:version.
Version Number Interactions
The WebKit2 API layer is available from fairly old WebKit versions through the present, but Midori's WebKit2 support requires version 2.0.0 or newer of WebKitGTK+. Current versions of WebKitGTK+ continue to support GTK+2 and GTK+3 (the latter since 1.4.x or so). As stated above, the WebKit2 API layer is only available with GTK+3.
Midori's support for WebKit2 is still provisional, and likely unsuitable for real-world daily usage; much work is being done in this area so that Midori can use WebKit2 by default at some point in the future.
Midori et mediaHerald
mediaHerald est un service dbus (/org/midori/mediaHeraldallow) users to connect to dbus and check the titme and url of the video that midori plays in YOUTUBE, VIMEO or DAILYMOTION, the extension which does the work is called webmedia-now-playing.
If you want to get the video title and the uri is easy more than easy .
#!/bin/sh eval $(dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.midori.mediaHerald /org/midori/mediaHerald org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.GetAll string:"org.midori.mediaHerald" | awk ' /string *"VideoTitle/{ while (1) { getline line if (line ~ /string "/) sub(/.*string /, "TITLE=", line) print line break } } /string *"VideoUri/{ while (1) { getline line if (line ~ /string "/) sub(/.*string /, "URI=", line) print line break } } ') echo "Midori is now playing: $TITLE ,the uri is: $URI"